Amsterdam, Holland (A Toast to Philip Glass – Piano Sonata DUTCH PREMIERE)
Meervaart, Meer en Vaart 300, 1068 LE Amsterdam, Netherlands On Friday, January 31, 2025, American composer Philip Glass turns 88. To celebrate his birthday, pianist/arranger Feico Deutekom presents an evening program dedicated to Glass, featuring a great variety of the composer's music. Program to include the Dutch premiere of Philip Glass's Piano Sonata.About the ArtistsFeico DeutekomPianist Feico Deutekom plays a defining role in minimal music. He was the founder,...
New York, NY (Wall-to-Wall Glass) Part 2
Juilliard Station 130 W. 66th St. New York Philip Glass Birthday CelebrationBack to Performance Calendar< Previous EventNext Event >Juilliard Station130 W. 66th St., New York, NY 10023Program information:Rush Hour Performance: “Wall-To-Wall Glass” at Juilliard StationPart II: Decade by Decade (A Philip Glass Birthday Celebration)Introit (pre-show)ALL-PHILIP GLASS PROGRAMDance No. 2 for Organ (1978)Theo Rockas and Derek Wang, SynthesizerOpening from Glassworks (1981)Dovie Lepore-Currin, PianoAri Peraza-Webb, CelloHead On (1967)Claire Arias-Kim, ViolinElisabeth Chang, CelloDerek Wang, PianoKnee...
Vancouver, BC (88 Years, 88 Keys: Celebrating the Music of Philip Glass)
Martha Lou Henley Rehearsal Hall, 1955 McLean Dr, Vancouver, BC V5N 3J7, Canada Opera is honouring the 88th birthday of renowned composer Philip Glass with 88 Years, 88 Keys: Celebrating the Music of Philip Glass. This free event, part of the VOICES concert series, will be held at the Martha Lou Henley Rehearsal Hall on January 31.The show will include a complete performance of Glass’s Piano Etudes, Book 2, featuring Vancouver Opera's associate conductor and chorus...
New York, NY (Wall to Wall Glass) Part 1
Juilliard Station 130 W. 66th St. New York Philip Glass Birthday CelebrationBack to Performance Calendar< Previous EventNext Event >Juilliard Station130 W. 66th St., New York, NY 10023Program information:"Wall-To-Wall Glass" at Juilliard StationPart I: Toward Epiphany (A Philip Glass Birthday Celebration)ALL-PHILIP GLASS PROGRAMTaoist Sacred Dance (2003)Viola Chan, FluteDerek Wang, PianoTwo Pages (1968)Theo Rockas, PianoDerek Wang, SynthesizerOrbit (2013)Ari Peraza-Webb, CelloMad Rush (1979)Dovie Lepore-Currin, PianoMusic in Contrary Motion (1969)Leo Gevisser, SynthesizerTheo Rockas, SynthesizerDerek Wang, SynthesizerAct III Conclusion...