Philip Glass EnsembleKOYAANISQATSIDinsdag 1 oktober 2024SPOT/De Oosterpoort, Grote zaal / Trompsingel 2720:30 start programma(Tijden onder voorbehoud)In de jaren 80 ontketende de experimentele film Koyaanisqatsi een revolutie in de filmindustrie, mede dankzij de legendarische soundtrack van Philip Glass. De sound van dit werk betekende een sleutelrol in het oeuvre van Glass en is in veel andere werken terug te horen. Het... READ MORE Like a puzzle of shifting shapes and formations, Peck's first ballet for NYCB showcases his keen eye for manipulating bodies to form complex geometric structures and unique patterns.In Creases is the first work Justin Peck, a former soloist with New York City Ballet, created for the Company. The ballet is set to Philip Glass’ "Four Movements for Two Pianos," and received its... READ MORE
Thursday, October 3, 2024, 7:30 pmPresented in collaboration with the University of Iowa String Quartet Residency ProgramA brilliant quartet brings spirit and swagger to the music of an essential American composer.Brooklyn Rider rode into the universe of exceptional string quartets 20 years ago, bringing rock star energy to classical and contemporary music. Along the way, the quartet has built a... READ MORE
October 4, 2024 - 8pmJoin us for a weekend-long celebration of the shared 20th anniversaries of both Brooklyn Rider and Carolina Performing Arts. A previous seven-time CPA performer, Brooklyn Rider will pay tribute to Philip Glass at our first-ever performance presented at The Chapel of the Cross on October 4. Then, on October 6, join Brooklyn Rider at Memorial Hall for a 3 p.m. matinee of The Sandbox of... READ MORE PHILIP GLASS ENSEMBLE 04.10.2024 Facebook event Concert ORGANISÉ PAR : GREENHOUSE TALENT Le Cirque Royal accueillera le Philip Glass Ensemble le 4 octobreLe 4 octobre, le Philip Glass Ensemble interprétera une version exclusive et inimitable de « Glassworks » au Cirque Royal de Bruxelles. La vente des billets débutera le vendredi 26 avril à 10h.New York est le berceau du Philip Glass Ensemble... READ MORE Ryoji Ikeda + Philip Glass Les Percussions de Strasbourg | Erwan Keravec / 8 sonneurs samedi 5 octobre 2024 — 21h00 Arsenal - Jean-Marie Rausch - Metz (Grande salle) CONCERT—durée 1h40min. Ryoji Ikeda et Philip Glass incarnent deux pôles de la musique répétitive — celle née de la culture électronique japonaise, entre sinusoïde et bruit blanc, et celle du New... READ MORE Sun 6 Oct ’24 20:15 uur Hertog Jan Hall Koyaanisqatsi is the first film in director Godfrey Reggio's Qatsi trilogy, for which the film score was composed by Philip Glass. Tonight, the Philip Glass Ensemble, founded by Glass himself, performs the film's soundtrack... READ MORE DAI WEI: The Dancing MoonlightLEOŠ JANÁČEK: Fantasy from JenůfaJOSEF SUK: Scherzo FantastiquePHILIP GLASS: Concerto Fantasy for Two Timpanists and Orchestrafeaturing timpanists Scott Christian & Glenn Paulson Embark on a musical journey through the whimsical realms of imagination with the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic's opening concert of... READ MORE
Join us at 6:00pm on Monday, October 7Ettl Lobby, The Bosworth Building, 129 Pierrepont StreetSince 1990, First Monday Concerts have been held on the first Monday of the month, four to six times a year, and have featured Saint Ann's faculty, alumni, and friends performing classical repertoire, jazz, original compositions, musical theater and more, showcasing the lively musical life of... READ MORE October 08, 2024 | 7:30pm–9pm | October 09, 2024 | 4pm–5:30pm | October 09, 2024 | 7:30pm–9pm | The Dome Instructions The Dome is located on the third floor of Yale Schwarzman Center, 168 Grove Street, New Haven, CT 06511.This event is free and open to the public. Yale advance registration opens Friday, September 20, at 10am ET Public registration opens Friday, September 20, at... READ MORE Kings Place: Glass and CompanyDate: October 9, 2024Time: 19:00 – 20:00Location: Kings Place, Hall OneMore infoPhilip GlassString Quartet No. 2 Company Joseph PhibbsString Quartet No. 4 (London premiere, a Piatti Qt & RTF commission)Sophia JaniFall, Glow, DissolveCaroline ShawValenciaGrace Evangeline-MasonA Winter Carol (arrangement commissioned by Piatti Qt– world premiere)Lucy WalkerThere is No RoseJohn AdamsFellow Traveller October 9, 11, 12 Gianna Reisen’s 2022 commission for the School of American Ballet reveals rippling rows of dancers unleashing bursts of refreshing energy in solos and duets before the swelling waves of the ensemble’s current absorb them once again.18 minutes Credits MusicWichita Vortex Sutra, Piano Etude No. 2, and Piano Etude No. 3PremiereJune 4, 2022, School of... READ MORE October 08, 2024 | 7:30pm–9pm | October 09, 2024 | 4pm–5:30pm | October 09, 2024 | 7:30pm–9pm | The Dome Instructions The Dome is located on the third floor of Yale Schwarzman Center, 168 Grove Street, New Haven, CT 06511.This event is free and open to the public. Yale advance registration opens Friday, September 20, at 10am ET Public registration opens Friday, September 20, at... READ MORE Glass Ensemble - Glassworks Philip Glass Ensemble ResidencyPhilip Glass Glassworks Philip Glass Excerpts from Satyagraha, Akhnaten and The Photographer In the first of two concerts dedicated to the music of the legend in his lifetime, the Philip Glass Ensemble, showcase his dazzling display of minimalism turned up to the max, Glassworks, and three of his mesmeric, ground-breaking operas.The antique and the... READ MORE October 9, 11, 12 Gianna Reisen’s 2022 commission for the School of American Ballet reveals rippling rows of dancers unleashing bursts of refreshing energy in solos and duets before the swelling waves of the ensemble’s current absorb them once again.18 minutes Credits MusicWichita Vortex Sutra, Piano Etude No. 2, and Piano Etude No. 3PremiereJune 4, 2022, School of... READ MORE ANTISALOTTO CULTURALE & LA MINERVINA - Via della Fornace 9 FIRENZE Venerdì 11 OTTOBRE 2024, alle ORE 21:00, negli spazi climatizzati dell'ANTISALOTTO CULTURALE - in VIA DELLA FORNACE 9 a FIRENZE - ecco che "Arturo Stàlteri plays Philip Glass". Il pianista romano ARTURO STÀLTERI suona l'arte di uno dei capifila del minimalismo musicale: dodici chicche preziose che hanno la "benedizione" del... READ MORE The Philip Glass Ensemble & NSOPhilip Glass Ensemble ResidencyNational Symphony OrchestraPhilip Glass EnsembleMichael Riesman conductorKate Ellis cello Philip Glass Naqoyqatsi Co-commissioned by Los Angeles Philharmonic, Barbican, London, Edinburgh Festival and the National Concert Hall.The Philip Glass Ensemble and close Philip Glass associate Michael Riesman partner with the NSO for the Irish premiere of a compelling new orchestral score from Glass’s stunning... READ MORE October 9, 11, 12 Gianna Reisen’s 2022 commission for the School of American Ballet reveals rippling rows of dancers unleashing bursts of refreshing energy in solos and duets before the swelling waves of the ensemble’s current absorb them once again.18 minutes Credits MusicWichita Vortex Sutra, Piano Etude No. 2, and Piano Etude No. 3PremiereJune 4, 2022, School of... READ MORE Like a puzzle of shifting shapes and formations, Peck's first ballet for NYCB showcases his keen eye for manipulating bodies to form complex geometric structures and unique patterns.In Creases is the first work Justin Peck, a former soloist with New York City Ballet, created for the Company. The ballet is set to Philip Glass’ "Four Movements for Two Pianos," and received its... READ MORE 10.12 Tuesday / 19:00 Concert Hall (ground floor) PLN 90 Chamber Music Performers: Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra Jan Lewtak artistic director Marcin Świątkiewicz harpsichord Johann Sebastian Bach Harpsichord Concerto in D major, BWV 1054 Philip Glass Concerto for Harpsichord and Orchestra ... intermission Dag Wirén Serenade for string orchestra, Op. 11 Edvard Grieg Holberg Suite, Op. 40 In... READ MORE Wie können wir Ungerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft begegnen? Mahatma Gandhi, der berühmte indische Freiheitskämpfer, entwickelte als junger Anwalt in Südafrika darauf eine spirituelle Antwort: „Satyagraha“, das Festhalten an der Wahrheit. Die Wahrheit wird hier als wirksamstes Mittel im Kampf gegen Ungerechtigkeit propagiert, die Gegenseite soll mit friedlichen Mitteln, durch gewaltfreien Widerstand, überzeugt werden. Philip Glass hat dieser Idee mit... READ MORE Like a puzzle of shifting shapes and formations, Peck's first ballet for NYCB showcases his keen eye for manipulating bodies to form complex geometric structures and unique patterns.In Creases is the first work Justin Peck, a former soloist with New York City Ballet, created for the Company. The ballet is set to Philip Glass’ "Four Movements for Two Pianos," and received its... READ MORE et Marielle Labèque interprètent les suites pour deux pianos tirées des trois opéras d'après Cocteau composés par Philip Glass. Après sa trilogie de portraits historiques (Einstein, Gandhi et Akhenaton), le compositeur américain Philip Glass se tourne pour ses opéras vers l’œuvre de Jean Cocteau. C’est ainsi qu’il revisite Orphée ainsi que La Belle et la Bête avant de clôturer... READ MORE Wie können wir Ungerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft begegnen? Mahatma Gandhi, der berühmte indische Freiheitskämpfer, entwickelte als junger Anwalt in Südafrika darauf eine spirituelle Antwort: „Satyagraha“, das Festhalten an der Wahrheit. Die Wahrheit wird hier als wirksamstes Mittel im Kampf gegen Ungerechtigkeit propagiert, die Gegenseite soll mit friedlichen Mitteln, durch gewaltfreien Widerstand, überzeugt werden. Philip Glass hat dieser Idee mit... READ MORE Philip Glass EnsembleFriday, October 18, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pmProgram Music in Eight Parts (1969/2017)Glassworks (1982) The Philip Glass Ensemble (PGE) comprises the principal performers of the music of Philip Glass. In 1968, Glass founded the PGE in New York City... READ MORE In the Upper Room Choreography by Twyla TharpStaged by Shelley Washington and Blaine HovenMusic by Philip GlassCostumes by Norma KamaliLighting by Jennifer Tipton A ballet in nine parts, In the Upper Room is one of ABT’s most impressive performances. Tharp’s choreography calls for both raw power and extreme grace. Bold kinetic movements blend with Philip Glass’s propelling score, creating a... READ MORE In partnership with the Highland Green FoundationOctober 20th, 4:00pmFirst Presbyterian Church1101 Bedford Street, Stamford, CT 06905Tickets: $75 per person. A discounted rate ($40) is available for students. Please enter promotional code STUDENT2024 when making reservations to secure the discounted student rate.On the occasion of The Glass House’s 75th Anniversary, join three renowned pianists —... READ MORE In the Upper Room Choreography by Twyla TharpStaged by Shelley Washington and Blaine HovenMusic by Philip GlassCostumes by Norma KamaliLighting by Jennifer Tipton A ballet in nine parts, In the Upper Room is one of ABT’s most impressive performances. Tharp’s choreography calls for both raw power and extreme grace. Bold kinetic movements blend with Philip Glass’s propelling score, creating a... READ MORE Wie können wir Ungerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft begegnen? Mahatma Gandhi, der berühmte indische Freiheitskämpfer, entwickelte als junger Anwalt in Südafrika darauf eine spirituelle Antwort: „Satyagraha“, das Festhalten an der Wahrheit. Die Wahrheit wird hier als wirksamstes Mittel im Kampf gegen Ungerechtigkeit propagiert, die Gegenseite soll mit friedlichen Mitteln, durch gewaltfreien Widerstand, überzeugt werden. Philip Glass hat dieser Idee mit... READ MORE Sinfonietta Cracovia hails from the historic city of Kraków where the Polish kings once resided. The chamber orchestra makes its Muziekgebouw debut with American minimalist music and closely related accessible Polish music. Polish composer Hanna Kulenty, a student of Louis Andriessen in the 1980s, wrote a new work for trumpet and string orchestra. The premiere is tonight. The orchestra will... READ MORE (Un)Silent Film: Dracula in Concert Tishman Auditorium, The New School Count Dracula: This is very old wine. I hope you will like it.Renfield: Aren't you drinking?Count Dracula: I never acclaimed Philip Glass score to Tod Browning's 1931 film classic, Dracula, originally composed for the Kronos Quartet, will be performed live to film by the Orange Road Quartet, The... READ MORE In the Upper Room Choreography by Twyla TharpStaged by Shelley Washington and Blaine HovenMusic by Philip GlassCostumes by Norma KamaliLighting by Jennifer Tipton A ballet in nine parts, In the Upper Room is one of ABT’s most impressive performances. Tharp’s choreography calls for both raw power and extreme grace. Bold kinetic movements blend with Philip Glass’s propelling score, creating a... READ MORE Saturday, October 26, 20247:30PM Pianographique-music of Glass, Reich, and AndersonAuditorium at 12th Street at The New School PianographiqueFeaturing Maki Namekawa & Dennis Russell Davies with visuals by Cori O’LanU.S. Premiere: Elergy for the Present (2020) - Philip Glass The Namekawa-Davies Duo present Pianographique, an evening of music featuring works by Maki Namekawa and Dennis Russell Davies’ personal friends Philip Glass,... READ MORE In the Upper Room Choreography by Twyla TharpStaged by Shelley Washington and Blaine HovenMusic by Philip GlassCostumes by Norma KamaliLighting by Jennifer Tipton A ballet in nine parts, In the Upper Room is one of ABT’s most impressive performances. Tharp’s choreography calls for both raw power and extreme grace. Bold kinetic movements blend with Philip Glass’s propelling score, creating a... READ MORE The spirit of visual artist Brian Buczak (1954—1987) is memorialized in the fourth string quartet of Philip Glass (1937—), one of the composer’s most intimate works. In 2024, what would have been Buczak’s 70th year of life, the acclaimed Mivos Quartet will perform Glass’s tribute in a free concert organized by composer Nick Hallett as part of the Memorial’s live... READ MORE In the Upper Room Choreography by Twyla TharpStaged by Shelley Washington and Blaine HovenMusic by Philip GlassCostumes by Norma KamaliLighting by Jennifer Tipton A ballet in nine parts, In the Upper Room is one of ABT’s most impressive performances. Tharp’s choreography calls for both raw power and extreme grace. Bold kinetic movements blend with Philip Glass’s propelling score, creating a... READ MORE Wie können wir Ungerechtigkeit in der Gesellschaft begegnen? Mahatma Gandhi, der berühmte indische Freiheitskämpfer, entwickelte als junger Anwalt in Südafrika darauf eine spirituelle Antwort: „Satyagraha“, das Festhalten an der Wahrheit. Die Wahrheit wird hier als wirksamstes Mittel im Kampf gegen Ungerechtigkeit propagiert, die Gegenseite soll mit friedlichen Mitteln, durch gewaltfreien Widerstand, überzeugt werden. Philip Glass hat dieser Idee mit... READ MORE