

Music composed by Philip Glass
For the film by Martin Scorsese
Michael Riesman, conductor


Nonesuch 79460-2


1 Sand Mandala 4:04
2 Northern Tibet 3:21
3 Dark Kitchen 1:32
4 Choosing 2:13
5 Caravan Moves Out 2:55
6 Reting’s Eyes 2:18
7 Potala 1:29
8 Lord Chamberlain 2:43
9 Norbu Plays 2:12
10 Norbulingka 2:17
11 Chinese Invade 7:05
12 Fish 2:10
13 Distraught 2:59
14 Thirteenth Dalai Lama 3:23
15 Move to Dungkar 5:04
16 Projector 2:04
17 Lhasa at Night 1:58
18 Escape to India 10:05


Philip Glass’s score for Kundun is the realization of a long-cherished dream. For years, I had hoped to work with Glass, and in Kundun we found the ideal subject for a special collaboration. His Buddhist faith and deep understanding of Tibetan culture combine with the subtlety of his composition to play an essential role in our movie on the life of the Dalai Lama. Philip Glass is an artist of tremendous sensitivity whose music works from the inside of the film, from its heart, to produce a powerful emotional intensity which remains for days in the listener’s head. The beauty, magic, grandeur, and spirituality of the score allow us to feel the pulse of the story as it unfolds. For me, the images in the film no longer stand on their own without Philip Glass’s music. I consider myself fortunate, indeed blessed, to have worked with him on Kundun…

— Martin Scorsese


Music composed by Philip Glass. For the film by Martin Scorsese. Conducted by Michael Riesman.
Performers: Dhondup Namgyal Khorko: Tibetan horns and cymbals; Alan Raph: bass trombone; Lauren Goldstein-Stubbs: basson, contrabasson; Gordon Gottlieb: percussion; Steven Hartman: clarinet, bass clarinet; Susan Jolles: harp; Sharon Moe: French horn; Michael Riesman: piano, celeste, synthesizer; Henry Schuman: oboe; Richard Sher: cello; Andrew Sterman: piccolo; Carol Wincenc: flute; Wilmer Wise: trumpet; Gyuto Monks; Monks of the Drukpa Order.

Produced by Kurt Munckacsi. A production of Euphorbia Productions, New York City. Executive Producer: Kim Keller. Recorded at The Looking Glass Studios, New York City. Engineer: Martin Czembor. Assistant Engineers: Ryoji Hata, John Billingsley. Chief Technical Engineer: Jamie Mereness. Computer Technician: Dylan Drazen. Production Coordinators: Veronica Arroyo, Ramona Kirschenman. Assistant Production Coordinators: Emily Hall Shannon, Sean McCaul. Studio Management: Amanda Riesman. Interns: Jason Smircich, Kenneth Marks, Palo Chalupka, John Ho.
Design: Merideth Harte for 27.12 design Ltd., New York City.

Kundun published by Touchstone Pictures Music & Songs, Inc. (ASCAP). All other Philip Glass music published by Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc., New York City. © 1997 Nonesuch Records.




Philip on Film on Nonesuch

Kundun by Martin Scorsese