For the film by Martin Scorsese
Michael Riesman, conductor
2 Northern Tibet 3:21
3 Dark Kitchen 1:32
4 Choosing 2:13
5 Caravan Moves Out 2:55
6 Reting’s Eyes 2:18
7 Potala 1:29
8 Lord Chamberlain 2:43
9 Norbu Plays 2:12
10 Norbulingka 2:17
11 Chinese Invade 7:05
12 Fish 2:10
13 Distraught 2:59
14 Thirteenth Dalai Lama 3:23
15 Move to Dungkar 5:04
16 Projector 2:04
17 Lhasa at Night 1:58
18 Escape to India 10:05
— Martin Scorsese
Performers: Dhondup Namgyal Khorko: Tibetan horns and cymbals; Alan Raph: bass trombone; Lauren Goldstein-Stubbs: basson, contrabasson; Gordon Gottlieb: percussion; Steven Hartman: clarinet, bass clarinet; Susan Jolles: harp; Sharon Moe: French horn; Michael Riesman: piano, celeste, synthesizer; Henry Schuman: oboe; Richard Sher: cello; Andrew Sterman: piccolo; Carol Wincenc: flute; Wilmer Wise: trumpet; Gyuto Monks; Monks of the Drukpa Order.
Produced by Kurt Munckacsi. A production of Euphorbia Productions, New York City. Executive Producer: Kim Keller. Recorded at The Looking Glass Studios, New York City. Engineer: Martin Czembor. Assistant Engineers: Ryoji Hata, John Billingsley. Chief Technical Engineer: Jamie Mereness. Computer Technician: Dylan Drazen. Production Coordinators: Veronica Arroyo, Ramona Kirschenman. Assistant Production Coordinators: Emily Hall Shannon, Sean McCaul. Studio Management: Amanda Riesman. Interns: Jason Smircich, Kenneth Marks, Palo Chalupka, John Ho.
Design: Merideth Harte for 27.12 design Ltd., New York City.
Kundun published by Touchstone Pictures Music & Songs, Inc. (ASCAP). All other Philip Glass music published by Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc., New York City. © 1997 Nonesuch Records.