Music By Philip Glass


By Philip Glass.
Edited and with supplementary material by Robert T. Jones.

First published in 1987 by Harper & Row, New York, USA with 15 color pictures and 37 black & white.
First published in UK in 1988 by Faber and Faber Limited, London with 15 color pictures and 37 black & white.

Reprinted in USA in 1995 by Da Capo Press, Inc. with the addition of a new foreword by Philip Glass and an updated music catalog and discography with 52 pictures all black & white.

Published by Da Capo Press.

ISBN: 0-306-80636-3

Table of contents

vii. Foreword by Philip Glass
xi. Introduction by Robert T. Jones
3. Apprenticeship of Sorts
27. Einstein on the Beach
87. Satyagraha
135. Akhnaten
197. Some Other Music
211. Music Catalog
218. Discography
222. Index


In 1975 Philip Glass’s music was largely ignored by the more traditional, contemporary classical music world. He had no record contract and was unable to perform outside art galleries and performance spaces. Today Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha and Akhnaten have become three of the most performed and highly regarded of 20th-century operras, enjoyed by audiences for their evocative meditations on men who altered the course of history through their inner vissions. As a result, Philip Glass has emerged as today’s most significant and innovative American composer.

In Music by Philip Glass, he tells of his musical struggle and growth, from the Juilliard School, through his studies in Paris with the great teacher Nadia Boulanger (whose other students included Aaron Copland and Virgil Thomson) and working with Ravi Shankar to “translate” his scores for Western musicians, to his immersion in the avant-garde theater of Mabou Mines, LaMama and Robert Wilson.

Here are the sudden obstacles and enormous toil involved in mounting and performing his three revolutionary operas, as well as the full libretti and discussions of the music by the composer. Equally revealing are his reflections on the succesful Glassworks, Songs from Liquid Days, and the film scores for Koyaanisqatsi and Mishima.

With a new foreword, new photos, and updated discography, Music by Philip Glass remains an essential companion for avid Glass listeners or for anyone interested in rhythmically rich, epic, cutting-edge music.


La Mia Musica by Philip Glass
Musik: Philip Glass by Philip Glass
