Days and Nights in Rocinha
Dance for Orchestra for Dennis Russell Davies
Music by Philip Glass
ic.2.2.3 bcl (cbcl). 2/4.3.2.btrb.0.perc (SD, TD, BD, tgl, marimba, wdbl, tamb, cyms, xyl, cast, t-tam) / hp. pf/ str, 2vn, vla, 3 tpt, 3 (?)hn in F, bn, vc, db, cl in Bflat, fl, ob.
Radio Symphonie Orchester Wien
February 8, 1998, Radio Symphonie Orchester Wien conducted by Dennis Russell Davies.
Rocinha is a neighborhood in Rio de janeriro famous for its lively cultural life and especially its “samba school” (Whose appearance is the highpoint of the “Carnival” every year). I often visited Rocinha during the weeks before “Carnival” and have always been moved and delighted by its unique environment. Days and Nights in Rocinha is my musical impression and tribute to this place.
— Philip Glass
Dunvagen Music Publishers