Once Within A Time Godfrey Reggio’s Once Within a Time is now playing in select theaters this October from Oscilloscope Laboratories. Tickets are on sale now for select Q&A events at the IFC Center in New York and Brain Dead Studios Fairfax in Los Angeles featuring co-director Jon Kane & EP Steven Soderbergh. Godfrey Reggio (Koyaanisqatsi) returns after ten years with a…
Author: Prithvi Venkataswamy
Philip Glass Fall 2023 Events – New York
Sep 26 – Oct 4 Godfrey Reggio Philip Glass Retrospective ยท MoMA MoMA presents Total Cinema of Sight and Sound, a retrospective including all of the features the duo has collaborated on. The retrospective is organized around a weeklong run of their latest work, Once Within a Time (2022), which is screening in its New York premiere. Nine years in the making since its…