the CIVIL warS (Rome)
A tree is best measured when it is down
Music by Philip Glass.
Libretto by Maita di Nascemi and Robert Wilson. Text in Latin, Italian, and English.
Originally conceived as part of Robert Wilson’s multi-composer epic for the Olympic Games of 1984, the work can also be performed in a concert version.
Published by Dunvagen Music Publishers.
S, Mz, T, Bar, B; 2 speaking parts (M+F); SATB chorus; 2 (pic) .2.(bcl).2/4.3.2 btbn.1/hp/ timp. 3 perc (SD, BD, cym, wdbl)/ str, fl, cl, bn, 4hn, 2 vln, va, vc, bass
Commissioned by the Opera di Roma.
Premiere: March 1984, Opera di Roma, conducted by Marcello Panni.
Part of Robert Wilson’s multi-composer epic for the Olympic Games of 1984, the Rome Section of “the CIVIL warS” is a unit all its own, non-narrative, and portrays the future, the present, the past (both near and distant), and the legendary – all existing simultaneously. The opera is symbolic, metephysical, realistic, metaphomical, and its stage ranges from ancient Athens to the spaceship-filled future of the human race.
the CIVIL warS – Rome Section at Wise Music Classical
Interlude No. 1 from “the CIVIL warS – Rome Section” at Wise Music Classical
Interlude No. 2 from “the CIVIL warS – Rome Section” at Wise Music Classical
Interlude No. 1 from “the CIVIL warS – Rome Section” at Wise Music Classical
Interlude No. 2 from “the CIVIL warS – Rome Section” at Wise Music Classical
Symphony No. 3 on Nonesuch
the CIVIL warS — The Rome Section on Nonesuch Records
Symphony No. 3 on Nonesuch
the CIVIL warS — The Rome Section on Nonesuch Records
the CIVIL warS – Cologne