The celebrated production of Orphée directed by Sam Helfrich which premiered at Glimmerglass Opera a few years ago, then made its way to Portland Opera where it was recorded by OMM, is now heading to Virginia Opera next season. The show has been positively reviewed wherever it's been – and the opera itself seems to have a new lease on life now with three different productions having been done in five different cities in the past four years.
Speaking of work with "new life"…the Childs/LeWitt/Glass collaboration DANCE has been done all over the world over the past couple of years. It's still going full steam head and will have performances in the next month or so in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and College Park Maryland.
Maria Bachmann's recording Glass Heart was reviewed in FanFare magazine this month.
And our old pal Robert McDuffie triumphed in San Antone this weekend with performances of Violin Concerto No.2 "The American Four Seasons."