A couple more reviews:
Wall Street Journal review
San Fran Bay Guardian review
-A Photo Journal of Appomattox from PlayBill Arts & some flash video from the SF Opera website or try here (top right)
–San Jose Mercury News review of Appomattox
–The Guardian (UK) review of Appomattox
–Bloomberg News did this review and it includes a TV schedule for a profile they did on Philip Glass
-Great interview with Dennis Russell Davies about his long and very fruitful collaboration with Philip Glass
–San Francisco Chronicle‘s review of Appomattox
–Contra Costa Times review of Appomattox
–The Examiner’s thoughtful review of the opera
Click here for the New York Times review….
-The Sacramento Bee review…
NPR did this piece on Appomattox…
Meanwhile…The LA Times reports on Jonathan Haas performing the Concerto Fantasy October 13th with the Pasadena Symphony.
Thanks to Michael Strickland for the new photos he took at the premiere. Check them out in the Fan Photos 07