‘RUNAWAY JORDAN (Poetry written with a basketball dunk!)’
I remember several years ago, when I was working in a video store, I was playing the soundtrack CD to ‘Powaqqatsi’ in the shop (I know; naughty!), when one of the customers expressed his surprise at recognising ‘Anthem – Part 3’; that was the music his coach played during his team’s creative visualisation exercises (where they imagine themselves playing the “perfect game”)!
soundtrack CD to ‘Powaqqatsi’ in the shop (I know; naughty!), when one of the customers expressed his surprise at recognising ‘Anthem – Part 3’; that was the music his coach played during his team’s creative visualisation exercises (where they imagine themselves
‘RUNAWAY JORDAN (Poetry written with a basketball dunk!)’
I remember several years ago, when I was working in a video store, I was playing the soundtrack CD to ‘Powaqqatsi’ in the shop (I know; naughty!), when one of the customers expressed his surprise at recognising ‘Anthem – Part 3’; that was the music his coach played during his team’s creative visualisation exercises (where they imagine themselves playing the “perfect game”)!
soundtrack CD to ‘Powaqqatsi’ in the shop (I know; naughty!), when one of the customers expressed his surprise at recognising ‘Anthem – Part 3’; that was the music his coach played during his team’s creative visualisation exercises (where they imagine themselves
Middle East cremation operators also need to check for unexploded vests.