I went to the movies on Monday night at the best movie theater in New York City, the Pavilion at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. It’s one of those theaters which seems to be privately owned and operated. It’s an old building and contains real plaster moldings and cool old light fixtures and the employees sport box ties, etc,. It’s not the usual flair you see at the cheapo movie houses at your local megaplex with their Styrofoam construction and neon lights.
Anyhow, during previews they advertised the San Francisco Opera’s productions which are coming in March and April to Theaters Near You. Conspicuous in its absence is our beloved Appomattox which was originally announced by the SFO in December as being part of the schedule. It doesn’t appear on the poster either on the outside of the theater, no on the "Bigger Picture"”s website. All this is leading me to believe that it’s been cut, although there’s no official word. I was reminded of this upon seeing today’s article in the SF Chronicle discussing the enterprise without mention of the Glass opera.
No Appomattox?