glass notes
Philip Glass on Shattering His Idea of an Artist’s Life

From Newsweek: "I was never one to party. I wasn’t a saint, either, but when I was young, I had the idea that I would never get married and never have children. I don’t know where I got the idea, but I thought an artist had to be committed to his work and live a solitary, monastic life. It didn’t turn out that way."  Read the full article here.

Alex Ross reports from Ann Arbor on

Also the Detroit News reports on Einstein on the Beach which played in previews in Ann Arbor over the weekend. "Revived Einstein Retains its Exponential Magic.":

"Yet actual defections were few. It was a well-filled house that showered its final applause on the cast, orchestra and creative trio of Glass, Wilson and Childs. Is "Einstein" a long night? It seems that's a matter of relativity."

And Anne Manson, conductor of the recording of Orphée returns to the Portland Opera and mentions her upcoming performances of Glass' Galileo Galilei.

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