The Book of Longing….on iTunes/Amazon
They just added Book of Longing at iTunes…Amazon release date is Nov.27, street date in stores is Dec.11
Jose brought this video to our attention of this week’s performance of BOL in Groningen, The Netherlands
5 thoughts on “The Book of Longing….on iTunes/Amazon”
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well done phil and the ensemble for a stunning performance of twelve parts in london
The book of longing in Groningen,the Netherlands: It was an unforgettable, sereen and slendid performance.
hi there, this is a dedicated fan of mr Glass’s works. we performed the vn concerto in september.and we are going to perform the 3rd string quartet by my orchestra called CAMERATA. unfortunately I am Iranian and I know that this f… nationality means an evil to you but please answer me a question if possible: if my orchestra wants to come up there in america to play the vn concerto , are we suppossed to pay a fee for the copy right? you can also see my
really appreciated.
Kayvan, I suggest you e-mail your question to the people who run instead. They should be able to answer your question.
thanks a lot.I mailed them but I got no answer. May be I should try more.
really apprreciate it.