glass notes
The Perfect American Live Stream – Wednesday

On Medici TV: Streaming live on line. 16 hours 40 mintues from the time of this typing.


5 thoughts on “The Perfect American Live Stream – Wednesday”

  1. That was fantastic!
    My favourite parts were the early duet with Disney and his nurse (who he calls “Snow White”), really beautiful music, and Disney’s “argument” with a malfunctioning animatronic Lincoln. The integration of the animations projected onto flying scrims was brilliant and gave the whole production the air of a fever dream.
    My thanks to Medici TV for providing the opportunity to see this opera to those, like me, who would otherwise probably never get the chance (unless it is eventually available on DVD).

  2. Terrific production, great singing, and of course, PG did it again with an awesome piece! Expecially loved the ending right before the “cremater” came on stage. Pure PG! His music is so clear and concise!

  3. What a thrill!. For me the highpoint was the scene with animatronic Lincoln. THe music, the text, the staging, all came together in a breathtaking, riveting scene. Kudos to all involved, including the great singers.

  4. I’ve watched “The Perfect American” virtually every day since it has available online on the website- I must say that it is a masterpiece in my book and one of PG’s finest operas. The music, orchestra and DRD’s conducting, production, singing and performances are amazing! PG is as amazing as ever and I have been a Glassfan for almost 30 years now.

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