glass notes
Happy Birthday Glass Notes


Richard Guérin, the Cookie Monster

I started Glass Notes with my first posting 3 years ago tomorrow, on March 27, 2007.  Thanks to all who come and continue to visit and contribute to the Philip Glass community.  For many years there was no central source for Glass news.  There was and still is the Philip Glass group on Yahoo which continues to work and spread word, and for many years we were all very grateful for the work of Jose Jimenez Mesa who scoured the deepest recesses of civilization, every last nook and cranny to find out about Philip Glass events, recordings, or photos. 

I do not wish to have a monopoly on the discourse of Philip Glass fans. Actually, I think of this often when a comment is left which is simply offensive and needs to be removed. I feel bad for exerting any sort of control or censorship, but for me it's in the name of having a positive place for Glass fans to visit. Glass Notes aims to be a point of information for people to find out about the biggest events happening in Philip Glass' world, with perhaps a little behind the scenes information or exclusive interviews or essays like I've done with Martin Archrainer (Kepler), Andrew Sterman of the PGE after their Carnegie Hall performance, Bruce Brubaker on performing Philip Glass' piano works.  

This is an open forum and I would invite people to share as much as they'd like and stimulate conversation through comments on the posts.  It has been really fun for me to be in this position, and I'd like to keep it going for as long as possible.  Thanks again for coming to this space.

-Richard Guérin

5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Glass Notes”

  1. Congratulations, Richard!
    Your column is indeed welcome and appreciated. While the Yahoo group is largely used for announcements, I appreciate that your Glass Notes column encourages discussion and feedback. I especially enjoyed, a few years ago, the invitation to recount personal experiences concerning the discovery of Glass music. More questions like that in the future would be appreciated. For example, others might also enjoy writing an essay on a selection that they find outstanding, since yours, for example on Les Enfants Terribles, was so enjoyable.

  2. Thank you very much Richard, for this intelligent and entertaining site. It is much appreciated and I will be following it for many years to come!

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